
Ethical Standards

Musco Family Olive Co. is committed to responsible business conduct according to our Ethical Sourcing Policy. The Ethical Sourcing standard addresses social, safety, environmental management, and responsible supply chain management. Musco, its employees, suppliers, manufacturers, contractors, subcontractors, agents, and associates must comply with all our Ethical Standards.

Voluntary Labor
All labor shall be voluntary. We will not knowingly work with any vendor who uses child, forced, bonded, prison labor, trafficking, slavery or engages in any of these practices. Workers shall be allowed to work willfully and maintain control over their identification documents. Vendors must also supply us with materials from sources that also comply with this standard. Workers shall be provided with rest days and the working hours shall be consistent with local regulations and not excessive.

No Discrimination or Harassment
We believe discrimination or harassment should not be tolerated and respect for all employees shall always be maintained. All employees should be treated with dignity and no discrimination or harassment shall be permitted against or among workers.

Health and Safety
Workers shall be provided with a safe and healthy work environment that complies with local laws. Proactive measures to prevent workplace hazards shall be taken by the Company.

We seek partners who also engage in bettering the lives of their employees and at a minimum meet or exceed local laws and regulations, including those related to minimum wages, overtime hours, nonexempt or exempt classification and other elements of compensation, and provide legally mandated benefits.

Environmental Standards
Work towards sustainable practices in all business aspects and at a minimum, comply with all national and local regulations regarding the environment.

Musco Family Olive Co. and its vendors shall aspire to the highest ethical standards and shall not tolerate, permit, or engage in bribery, corruption, or unethical practices in any aspects of its business practices.

Transparency in supply chain
Product supply chains shall be verified to evaluate vendors’ compliance with Musco Family Olive Co. Ethical Standards. Materials incorporated into the products processed/supplied by the company shall comply with the Company’s Ethical Standards.

Financial Integrity
Accurate records of all matters related to our business shall be kept in accordance with standard accounting practices such as Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) or International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).

Reporting Misconduct: If you encounter what you believe to conflict with any of the Ethical Standards above or any of Musco’s Policies, please report your concerns to any member of the Musco Management Team, or HR as Musco maintains and Open-Door Policy. To remain anonymous please use any of the Employee Suggestions Boxes or [email protected] (Available for everyone). Retaliation of any kind against an individual who reports concerns in good faith violates Musco’ Ethical Sourcing Policy.